The Art of Femininity
The concept of femininity can vary across cultures and time periods, but generally refers to qualities or attributes traditionally associated with women. Being a woman is something to truly celebrate. Womanhood and femininity are associated with physical traits like softness and gentleness and other inner traits like grace, nurturing, empathy, sensitivity, and emotional intelligence. Where am I going with this you might be wondering. Read on.

There is an art to femininity and it can be directly related to how we dress and express our girliness to the world around us. It might be seen as the cultivation and expression of the qualities listed above in oneself. This could involve developing skills like effective communication, active listening, and emotional regulation, as well as nurturing relationships with others and expressing oneself authentically. Or - it could be wearing an item that accentuates your curves.

Some ways to honor and express your feminine side is to choose clothes that make you feel comfortable and at home with your body. If you feel good in what you’re wearing, your confidence will shine through. Feminine styles are often found in the most classic cuts. The Marilyn Accordion Skirt oozes with feminine flair. Pair it with the perfectly tailored Donna button down for a match made in heaven. Stick to solid and neutral colors to wear and of course accessorize with dainty or chunky jewelry for the perfect finishing touch to your elevated feminine look.