(About a 3-minute read)

The news I have seemingly waited eons for is finally here and I want to yell from the rooftops! WE ARE OFFICIALLY IN PRODUCTION! After months of a delay due to the Coronavirus, we are thankfully back up and running. The collection is being produced as I type this and I am feeling all the feelings.

Did I ever imagine that I would be launching this business in the middle of a global pandemic? Not in a million years. I go to bed every night feeling an intense combination of gratitude entangled in guilt that right now this is my biggest worry during a time of so much suffering; relief that I can see light at the end of the tunnel; excitement that this is becoming something palpable; topped off with a hefty spoonful of stress that I should be and wish I could be doing more on all fronts.

But as Scarlett O'hara would say, "I'll think about that tomorrow." We can all use a bit of her positivity and perseverance these days, right? So for the next few moments, I am going to hop off the worry-train and revel in anticipation that these beautiful pieces are now finding their way to you! Let's talk more about that, shall we?


We are looking at an early-June delivery to our warehouse, which means we are only about 4 weeks from the finish line! All of our December pre-sale orders will be first-priority, followed by our April orders, so as soon as our fulfillment center can process these, expect a shipment notification from us! I am estimating this will be mid-end of June (hopefully sooner), but will know an exact date as soon as our forwarder confirms shipment. Be on the lookout for that!

Let's envision better times...sipping rosé with friends on a late summer afternoon...wearing a Katharine thrown over our shoulders...or our Twiggy with a great straw hat. Tell me that doesn't that sound like a dream!


Now for the best part…a production update from our factory in photos!

Pieces of what will become our Katharine blazer.


The Katherine blazer in progress.


The grosgrain neck of our Donna shirt being carefully sewn in.


The Donna is the first off the production line and ready for packing. 


A pleated panel of our Marilyn Skirt.


A finished production-ready sample of the Marilyn skirt.


Our Twiggy dress pattern waiting to be cut.


Stacks and stacks of Twiggys! 

When I see these photos, I want to cry in appreciation. I don’t just see an outstanding factory creating my dream, I see people…hard-working, TALENTED, dedicated people that are essentially HAND-MAKING my dream…Sewing, cutting, and crafting my designs into what you will receive in the mail. We often forget that a factory is not just one entity. It is hundreds of CRAFTSMEN taking meticulous care to produce our products. Special products. Nothing would be possible without THEM. And to them, I am forever grateful.

I can only wish that you too will look at these photos and know that these pieces are something special.

Who wouldn’t wait for special, right?



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